We have Bible studies nearly every day of the week during the school year (fewer during the summer) - including a Monday morning Table Talk sermon discussion at 11:00a.m., an Adult Bible Study (Tuesday, 7:00p.m.), both a Men's Reading Group and a Women’s Bible Study (Thursday, 10:00-11:30a.m.), and a Men’s Fellowship (second Saturday of the month). All are aimed at building up the body of Christ and equipping the saints to do the work of ministry. We also offer pre-marital and marriage counseling at no cost to our members, and there are other opportunities for men and women to be discipled personally or in a small group setting by mature saints in the church. Come join us for a Sunday morning worship service to find out more details - that is the best place to start. Or you can reach us via email at office@newlifebiblepueblo.